MuseScore is a free program for the creation of sheet music files and can be found HERE

All files on this site were created using MuseScore and Cutepdf Creator

I use a great free pdf writer to create pdf files from MuseScore files - Cutepdf. This is a free program and can be downloaded from it's own website - HERE 

This is a great little program to learn all the chords and inversions you need to know!       Download it here now!

Size : 131.574 Kb
Type : zip


your free introduction to music notation software

With Finale Notepad, you can create orchestrations of up to eight staves. You can add notes by clicking them into the staff or importing MIDI or MusicXML files. Once your music is in NotePad, you can hear it play back, see it on the printed page, and share it with other NotePad users and users of other Finale family music notation software.